
Changing Tides Weight Loss

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Group Rules for Changing Tides Weight Loss Forum

  • 1. Be Supportive and Respectful
  • We're here to foster a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Let's treat each other with kindness and respect, understanding that we're all on our own unique weight loss journey.
  • 2. No Promotions or Irrelevant Content
  • Contribute more than you promote. Avoid spam, self-promotion, and unrelated links. All posts should be relevant to the group's focus on weight loss and wellness.
  • 3. Respect Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Trust is essential in our community. While open discussions are encouraged, remember to maintain privacy and confidentiality. There should be no expectation of privacy, so refrain from posting anything you wish to keep private. What's shared within the group should stay within the group, including any personal information or experiences.
  • 4. Zero Tolerance for Bullying, Hate Speech, or Derogatory Comments
  • Everyone deserves to feel safe and valued. Any form of bullying, hate speech, or derogatory comments, including those related to weight, will not be tolerated.
  • 5. No Sales of Medications or Pharmacy Products
  • Please refrain from posting any sales or promotions related to medications or pharmacy products.
  • 6. Avoid Affiliate Links or Self-Promotion
  • Respect the integrity of the group by refraining from sharing affiliate links or promoting personal businesses. This ensures that discussions remain focused on supporting each other's weight loss journeys.
  • 7. Keep Content Relevant to Weight Loss
  • All content shared within the group should relate directly to topics related to weight loss, healthy living, fitness, nutrition, overall wellness, and enjoying life.
  • 8. Not Medical Advice
  • Remember, nothing shared within this group constitutes medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical advice and guidance. The information shared here is for educational purposes only.

By following these guidelines, we can create a supportive and uplifting community dedicated to achieving our weight loss goals together.


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News Letters

This is a newsletter from 6/19/24. Please feel free to comment. Dr ShawWeekly Tide - 6/19/24

Dear Tiders,

Switch and Bait
While Changing Tides Weight Loss is advertised as a weight loss program, our mission goes far beyond that. As a physician, I look at the big picture. Losing weight with GLP-1 medications not only improves your appearance and how you feel, but it also significantly enhances your overall health. Proven benefits include improvements in diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. I believe we’ll soon see proven benefits for obstructive sleep apnea, degenerative arthritis, and hypertension. Although it may take longer, I’m confident we’ll also see decreased rates of cancer. So while you joined us for weight loss, my main objective is to improve your overall health. It’s the physician in me.

Great Recipes on Facebook and Instagram
If you’re not following our Facebook and Instagram pages, you’re missing out on great healthy recipes, weight loss inspiration, and short videos from me and our staff. Follow us at these links to stay connected: Facebook and Instagram.

Our Forum is Operational
Our forum is live and ready for you! Over the next few weeks, our staff will be more active on the forum, posting helpful content and answering your questions. The forum is a fantastic way to communicate with us, find useful information, and share your experiences. Check it out on our website at Changing Tides Weight Loss, register, and make a post. We’ll see it and respond.

Quick weight loss is tempting, but it’s best to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. I want you to lose fat, not muscle. I want your weight loss to be permanent, not temporary. I want you to enjoy a lifestyle that is healthy, fulfilling, and sustainable. This is why we recommend changes to your diet, mild exercise, and healthy habits. Embrace these changes, and you’ll never look back.

The Weekly Tide is heading out now. See you next week!

Warm regards,

Michael A. Shaw, MD





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